Хэвтээ зутан шахуурга болон босоо шахуургын хооронд …
The structure and installation method of the vertical slurry pump and the horizontal slurry pump are different from the appearance. The characteristics of the vertical slurry pump: the vertical slurry pump uses an auxiliary impeller to reduce the back pressure of the impeller and prolong the serv...
Хэвтээ шүүлтүүр хэвлэлийн тэжээлийн насос
Feeding Pumps for Filter Press: Operating Data: Outlet Diameter:65-125mm Capacity: 10.8-5400m3/h Head: 41.4-265m Rotation Speed: 980-2450r/min Power: 30-90kW Detailed Product Description: a. Horizontal multistage pump b. High efficiency c. Easy maintenance Application: a. Feeding P...