Liquid Asphalt / bitumen transport semi trailer
Шингэн асфальт / битум тээвэрлэх чиргүүл. Хагас чиргүүлasphalt truck is also called: asphalt semi-trailer truck, asphalt semi-trailer, asphalt insulation semi-trailer truck, semi-trailer insulation asphalt truck and so on.. Хагас чиргүүлтэй асфальтан машин нь авто замын барилгын ажилд их ...
Хятадын Замын хүйтэн дахин боловсруулагч XLZ2103 …
product description Pavement cold recycling machine is an environmentally friendly and efficient road construction equipment designed and manufactured to adapt to urban and rural road construction. While milling and crushing the old asphalt pavement, stabilizers (cement, lime, water, etc.) are ad...