Бетонон шалыг хуурай нунтаглах дэвсгэр ашиглах үр …
The concrete floor dry grinding pads is used for polishing and leveling after the concrete floor is made. It will be used in many projects and constructions. It has good durability and results. Flatten after. There will be no caking and sand holes, and it is a kind of dry grinding pad to improve ...
нунтаглах үйлдвэр барих
нунтаглах чулуун ган. Холбоо барих; ... дүүжин харуул нунтаглах машин. чулуун БНХАУ д машин нунтаглах An ancient stone was found in the Altai Mountain range This article is about the stone figure which discovered from the place called Shatat Belchir belong to different period of the history in southern ...