2022 Akka.NET Year-in-Review and Future …

Performance is a crucial feature of Akka.NET and we put a considerable amount of effort into improving memory allocation, network throughput, GC reduction, and addressing sources of latency in 2022. All …

Introduction to Akka HTTP | Baeldung

If the incoming request is not a POST request, Akka will automatically go into the orElse branch and expect the path to be /users/ and the HTTP method to be GET. If the HTTP method is GET, the request will be forwarded to the getUser () route. If the user does not exist, Akka will return HTTP status 404 (Not Found).

Akka HTTP 10.5.2

Extracts entity as akka.stream.scaladsl.Source of elements of type T.This is achieved by applying the implicitly provided (in the following order): - 1st: chunk-up the incoming ByteString s by applying the Content-Type-aware framing - 2nd: apply the Unmarshaller (from ByteString to T) for each of the respective "chunks" (e.g. for each JSON element …

Routes • Akka HTTP

A sealed route has these properties: 1. The result of the route will always be a complete response, i.e. the result of the future is a Success(RouteResultplete(response)), never a failed future and never a rejected route. 2. Consequently, no route alternatives will be …


Akka HTTP 10.1.x before 10.1.15 and 10.2.x before 10.2.7 can encounter stack exhaustion while parsing HTTP headers, which allows a remote attacker to conduct a Denial of Service attack by sending a User-Agent header with deeply nested comments. Severity CVSS ...


Using Akka HTTP; Routing DSL for HTTP servers; Marshalling; Streaming; Low-level HTTP server APIs; HTTP Client API; The modules that make up Akka HTTP; 2. Usage. …

Routing DSL • Akka HTTP

Routing DSL. Akka HTTP provides a flexible routing DSL for elegantly defining RESTful web services. It picks up where the low-level API leaves off and offers much of the higher …

HTTP Server Logic · Akka HTTP Quickstart for Scala

Each Akka HTTP Route contains one or more akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives, such as: path, get, post, complete, etc. There is also a low-level API that allows to inspect requests and create responses manually. For the user registry service, the example needs to support the actions listed below. For each, we can identify a path, the HTTP ...

2. Usage • Akka HTTP

Migration Guide to and within Akka HTTP 10.4.x; Migration Guide to and within Akka HTTP 10.2.x; Migration Guide to and within Akka HTTP 10.1.x; Migration Guide within Akka HTTP 10.0.x; Migration Guide between Akka HTTP 2.4.x and 10.0.x; Migration Guide from Spray; Migration Guide from "old" HTTP JavaDSL; Compatibility Guidelines. Binary ...

Akka Router

Solution: Akka Router, Akka Provides a library that solves this problem using the routing. The router is an actor that send messages in an efficient way to the destination actor known as a route. Different routers use different strategies to send or route messages or tasks. Routers can be used inside or outside of an actor.

Introduction to Akka HTTP in Scala | Baeldung on Scala

REST. 1. Introduction. Akka HTTP is one of the most popular HTTP toolkits in Scala. It's built on top of Akka and uses Actors under the hood. Play Framework uses Akka HTTP for its REST module and route handling. In this tutorial, let's create a basic REST application using Akka HTTP. 2.

Mocking Methods for Testing Akka HTTP Routes

21. val userImpl = UserImpl. 22. } Now in this route, user.Impl.add (user) is calling the backend business logic for adding a user to the database, so this method needs to be mocked while testing ...

Building a Reactive, Distributed Messaging Server in Scala and Akka

Akka HTTP has first class support for WebSocket. It provides a method handleWebSocketMessages that abstracts over the handling of WebSocket connections, messages, and disconnections by treating ...

Compared with Play routes • Akka HTTP

The most apparent difference is Play's use of special purpose syntax implemented as an external DSL, whereas Akka HTTP routes are described in Scala source code with regular methods and values (as "embedded DSL"). Both are crafted to make the reader "grasp the code's intention". The Akka HTTP DSL uses Directives to describe how ...

Akka HTTP 10.5.2

Known Subclasses. ScalatestRouteTest,,

1. Introduction • Akka HTTP

1. Introduction. The Akka HTTP modules implement a full server- and client-side HTTP stack on top of akka-actor and akka-stream. It's not a web-framework but rather a more general toolkit for providing and consuming HTTP-based services. While interaction with a browser is of course also in scope it is not the primary focus of Akka HTTP.

parameters • Akka HTTP

parameters This page explains how to extract multiple query parameter values from the request, or parameters that might or might not be present. Signature def …

Akka HTTP Quickstart for Scala · Lightbend Tech Hub

The Akka HTTP example for Scala is a zipped project that includes a distribution of the sbt build tool. Download and unzip the example as follows: Download the project zip file. Extract the zip file to a convenient location: On Linux and MacOS systems, open a terminal and use the command unzip akka-quickstart-scala.zip.

Routing DSL • Akka HTTP

Akka HTTP provides a flexible routing DSL for elegantly defining RESTful web services. It picks up where the low-level API leaves off and offers much of the higher-level functionality of typical web servers or frameworks, like deconstruction of URIs, content negotiation or static content serving. Note. It is recommended to read the Implications ...

Testing an Akka HTTP Application | Baeldung on Scala

Setup. To be able to test our Akka HTTP applications, we need to include akka-http-testkit to our list of dependencies in build.sbt (We should already have akka-http included): Since the testkit is only required for testing, we need to make sure to add Test at the end, to ensure it's not included in the built jar. 3.

Testing routes · Akka HTTP Quickstart for Java

Here we're using JUnitRouteTest which provides ability to test akka-http routes. Next, we'll need to bring into the test class our routes that we want to test. We're doing this by wrapping put rout into TestRoute by using testRoute (server.createRoute ()) to be able to provide request parameters to emulate HTTP call and then assert results.

Implications of the streaming nature of Request/Response Entities

Akka HTTP is streaming all the way through, which means that the back-pressure mechanisms enabled by Akka Streams are exposed through all layers–from the TCP layer, through the HTTP server, all the way up to the user-facing HttpRequest and HttpResponse and their HttpEntity APIs. This has surprising implications if you are used to non ...

Routes • Akka HTTP

A Route Route can be "sealed" using Route.seal, which relies on the in-scope RejectionHandler and ExceptionHandler ExceptionHandler instances to convert …

Directives • Akka HTTP

Directives. A "Directive" is a small building block used for creating arbitrarily complex route structures. Akka HTTP already pre-defines a large number of directives and you can easily construct your own: Basics. Structure. What Directives do. Composing Directives. Type Safety of Directives.

Exception Handling • Akka HTTP

Route.seal internally wraps its argument route with the handleExceptions directive in order to "catch" and handle any exception. So, if you'd like to customize the way certain …

Reading an Akka-HTTP Response Body as a String

We'll first take a high-level view of Akka HTTP and then look at two ways of reading the body of a response as String: strict requests and unmarshalling. 2. Akka HTTP. Akka HTTP is an Akka module used to implement a client/server HTTP stack on top of Akka's actors and stream modules. It comes with a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) to …

Introduction to Spring with Akka | Baeldung

Let's create a simple Spring/Akka application consisting of a single actor that can answer to a person's name by issuing a greeting to this person. The logic of greeting will be extracted to a separate service. We will want to autowire this service to an actor instance. Spring integration will help us in this task. 4.1.

HTTP Model • Akka HTTP

It lives in the akka-http-core module and forms the basis for most of Akka HTTP's APIs. Overview. Since akka-http-core provides the central HTTP data structures you will find the following import in quite a few places around the code base (and probably your own code as well): Scala copy sourceimport akka.http.scaladsl.model._ Java

Route TestKit • Akka HTTP

Here is an example of what a simple test with the routing testkit might look like using the built-in support for scalatest and specs2:. ScalaTest copy sourceimport akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import Directives._ import …

Testing routes · Akka HTTP Quickstart for Scala

This is due to Akka HTTP's pure design and separation between the network layer (represented as a bi-directional Flow of byte strings to Http domain objects). In other words, unit testing in Akka HTTP is simply "executing" the routes by passing in an HttpResponse to the route, and later inspecting what HttpResponse (or rejection if the ...

Akka | akka-guide

Akka Scala, JVM 、 Java Scala Actor,Java Scala 。. Akka,。. Akka,Actor …

Routing DSL • Akka HTTP

Routing DSL. In addition to the Core Server API Akka HTTP provides a very flexible "Routing DSL" for elegantly defining RESTful web services. It picks up where the low …

Core Server API • Akka HTTP

The core Server API is scoped with a clear focus on the essential functionality of an HTTP/1.1 server: All non-core features of typical HTTP servers (like request routing, file serving, compression, etc.) are left to the higher layers, they are not implemented by the akka-http-core -level server itself. Apart from general focus this design ...

Server-Side HTTP/2 • Akka HTTP

Server-Side HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2 can then be enabled through configuration: akka.http.server.enable-http2 = on Use newServerAt(...).bind() and HTTPS. HTTP/2 is primarily used over a secure HTTPS connection which takes care of protocol negotiation and falling back to HTTP/1.1 over TLS when the client does not support …